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Command Center for Corporate Impact

Link impact to key business drivers.

An Alchemist-backed company

The Challenge

Getting Stakeholders to Prioritize Impact

If key stakeholders do not see the value of corporate impact efforts, then support for these efforts will not be prioritized.

How we help

Demonstrate the Value of Impact

Centralized dashboard that integrates with key business drivers so you can better understand and share the value of impact.

1. Centralize Impact Strategy and Initiatives

Set your impact strategy and initiatives within your dashboard so you can track everything in one place.

2. Integrate with Key Business Drivers

Identify drivers you wish to track (retention, hiring, sales, etc), and we’ll help integrate data into your dashboard.

3. Build a Baseline

After integration, we will collect baseline data so you can monitor how your initiatives perform.

4. Run Initiatives

Execute your initiatives and track how they perform.

5. Share with Stakeholders

Easily share access or info from your dashboard to key stakeholders - executives, employees, or even customers.

Why GiveShop

The Future of Corporate Philanthropy is Integrated

Supported by industry leaders

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